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About the Author

Eisu, real name Saiful Remy Mokhtar, but the Saiful is silent (ha ha, just kidding), so people either call him Eisu or Remy. He is 100% Ma-Male (Ha ha, Spongebob joke). The name Eisu is a phonetical sounding of the Japanese pronunciation of Ace. He was born in the year 1979 and was bred in the country near the equator. A country called... Malaysia. He is currently doing freelancing comic works, whether it be comics itself or colouring other people's comics. Right now, he's still trying his darndest to break into the mainstream comic scene.
Other Comics by him
Gomen Nasai (ended)
Demon Hunter (abandoned)
Chibi Kataoki (abandoned)
Maid Attack (ended)
Futana: The Danger Ninja (gone)

No Pink Ponies is copyright and trademarked Saiful Remy Mokhtar. All rights reserved.